3a Case Study of superior innovation

With the gradual development of the Internet industry, various Internet companies have begun to change their business models with the trend. China’s Internet industry is changing rapidly, and there are new trends every year. In this article, I would like to discuss a Chinese  local video site – Tencent video. Tencent Video is an online video platform that includes movies, TV series, variety shows, sports, news and more.“腾讯视频”的图片搜索结果

Tencent Video was officially launched in April 2011. As of July 2018, the monthly average number of independent devices of Tencent Video Mobile reached 640 million units, and the number of independent devices per day reached 180 million units. As of June 30, 2018, Tencent’s video paying members reached 74 million. (Tech.qq.com, 2018)

Since its inception, Tencent Video has reached cooperation with major production companies around the world to introduce drama resources from various countries. For example, big companies such as BBC and HBO have cooperated with Tencent Video. However, the Internet industry is highly competitive, and other video sites have begun to introduce resources from foreign production companies. In the long run, playing the finished drama alone will gradually lose its dominant position.

So Tencent began to transform to ‘self-produce video.’ According to VLinkage data, in the past six months, there were 142 self-produced dramas on various platforms including Tencent Video, of which Tencent video accounted for 25.4%. (Jiemian.com, 2018)

Variety has always been the main viewing content of Internet entertainment. In the field of self-made variety, Tencent Video launched its 9th 136 episodes in 2016. Among them, 4 programs have earned more than 100 million. (Chuansong.me, 2016)

In addition to the series, in the field of self-made variety, Tencent Video launched 9 series of 136 episodes in 2016, including “About the Big Star”, “Let me open my nose”, “Please ask the refrigerator”, “The temptation of the dinner”, etc. The 4 programs have already earned more than 100 million. (Chuansong.me, 2016)

Since 2017, China’s Internet entertainment has become popular with live-action shows. In 2017, Tencent Video launched the “Today’s Son” cumulative play volume of 4.24 billion (36kr.com, 2018). Tencent video took advantage of this, and in the beginning of 2018, it launched a phenomenal draft variety show called “Produce 101.”“创造101”的图片搜索结果

Tencent video has gradually transformed from a simple video broadcast platform into a business model that combines homemade works and purchase copyrights. With the ability and appeal of self-made products, Tencent Video can better cater to the changing industry trends, better grasp users and guide them to become their own members.




  1. Tech.qq.com. (2018). 腾讯视频付费会员数达7400 继续保持行业领导地. [online] Available at: http://tech.qq.com/a/20180820/032347.htm [Accessed 8 Sep. 2018].
  2. Jiemian.com. (2018). 2018场战报142部自制1343亿播放量 场战况如何?|界面新 · 娱乐. [online] Available at: https://www.jiemian.com/article/2281491.html [Accessed 8 Sep. 2018].
  3. Chuansong.me. (2016). 2017腾讯视频V视界大会,20档自制综艺,最全干分享_冷眼看电视_传送门. [online] Available at: http://chuansong.me/n/1071824451170 [Accessed 8 Sep. 2018].
  4. 36kr.com. (2018). 中国史:偶像开始需要练习,舞台却不再想唱就唱. [online] Available at: https://36kr.com/p/5124136.html [Accessed 8 Sep. 2018].

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